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Selected Publications


  • I. Hadar, A.  Zamansky, D. M. Berry, The inconsistency between theory and practice in managing inconsistency in requirements engineering. Empirical Software Engineering 24(6): 3972-4005 (2019)

  • ​I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky, A Behavior-Based Framework for Assessing Product Line-Ability, CAiSE 2018.

  • A. Zamansky, M. Spichkova, R. Rodriguez-Navas, P. Herrmann, J-O. Blech, Towards a Classification of Lightweight Formal Methods, ENASE 2018.

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A Dissimilarity-Based Framework for Generating Inconsistency-Tolerant Logics, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 73(1-2): 47-73 (2015) 

  • I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky and Y. Wand. Taming Software Variability: Ontological Foundations of Variability Mechanisms . Proc. of ER’15  

  • A. Borgida, I. Jureta and A. Zamansky. Towards a General Formal Framework of Coherence Management in RE. Proc. of RE’15 

  • I. Hadar and A. Zamansky.Cognitive Factors in Inconsistency Management. Proc. of RE’15  

  • A. Zamansky and E. Farchi. Teaching Logic to Information Systems Students: Challenges and Opportunities. Proc. of TTL’15.

  • I. Hadar and A. Zamansky.When a Paradigm is Inconsistent with Intuition: The Case of Inconsistency Management. Proc. of COGNISE’15.

  • I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky and M. Kemelman. Analyzing Variability of Cloned Artifacts: Formal Framework and its Application to Requirements. Proc. of Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’15).


Earlier publications


Journal papers:

  • A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav. L. Spendier and A. Zamansky, Taming Paraconsistent (and other) Logics: an Algorithmic Approach, forthcoming in Transactions on Computational Logic, 2014. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Efficient Reasoning with Inconsistent Information using C-Systems, forthcoming in Information Sciences, 2014. [pdf]

  • M. Baaz, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky, Finite-valued Semantics for Canonical Labelled Calculi, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2013. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A Dissimilarity-Based Framework for Generating Inconsistency-Tolerant Logics, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2013. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Cut-free Sequent Calculi for C-systems with Generalized Finite-valued Semantics, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2013. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Systematic Construction of Analytic Calculi for Logics of Formal Inconsistency, Logic without Frontiers, Festschrift for W. A. Carnielli, J.-Y. Beziau and M. E. Coniglio eds, Tribute series, College Publications, 2012. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Ideal Paraconsistent Logics, Studia Logica 99(1–3), pages 31-60, 2011. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Canonical Signed Calculi with Multi-ary Quantifiers, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2011. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Maximal and Premaximal Paraconsistency in the Framework of Three-Valued Semantics , Studia Logica 97(1), pages 31-60, 2011. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A framework for reasoning under uncertainty based on non-deterministic distance semantics, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 52:184–211, IJA7325, 2011. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Simplified forms of computerized reasoning with distance semantics, Journal of Applied Logic, volume 9, issue 1, pages 1–22, 2011. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Distance-based non-deterministic semantics for reasoning with uncertainty, The Logic Journal of the IGPL 17(4), pages 325-350, 2009. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Canonical systems with (n,k)-ary quantifiers.Journal of Logical Methods in Computer Science, 10.2168/LMCS-4(3:2), 2008.[pdf]

  • A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Effective non-deterministic semantics for first-order LFIs. Journal of Multiple-valued Logic and Soft Computing, 13:4-6, 335 – 352, 2007. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Many-valued non-deterministic semantics for first-order logics of formal inconsistency. Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics, (S. Aguzzoli, A. Ciabattoni, B. Gerla, C. Manara, and V. Marra, eds.), 1–24, LNAI 4460, Springer, 2007. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Cut Elimination and Quantification in Canonical Systems. Special Issue of Studia Logica on Cut Elimination, vol. 82, 157-176, 2006. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky, N. Francez, Y. Winter, A `Natural Logic’ inference system based on the Lambek calculus. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, vol. 15, 273 – 295, 2006. [pdf]


Conference papers:

  • C. Mancini and A. Zamansky. Charting Unconquered Territories: Intelligent Systems for Animal Welfare – an Introduction. Proceedings of AISB’14. [pdf]

  • T. Vetterlein and A. Zamansky. A Logic-Based Framework for Medical Assessment Questionnaires. Proceedings of Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC’14). [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky, O. Arieli, K. Stefanidis. Context-Aware Distance Semantics for Inconsistent Database Systems. Forthcoming in Proc. IPMU’14. [pdf]

  • A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav, L. Spendier and A. Zamansky. Automated Support for the Investigation of Paraconsistent and Other Logics. Forthcoming in Proc. LFCS’13. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky.Preferential Framework for Trivialization-Resistant Reasoning with Inconsistent Information. Proceedings of JELIA’12. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky. Modular Construction of Cut-free Sequent Calculi for Paraconsistent Logics. Proceedings of LICS’12.[pdf]

  • M. Baaz, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky. Effective Finite-valued Semantics for Labelled Calculi.Proceedings of IJCAR’12. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky. Inconsistency-tolerance in knowledge-based systems by dissimilarities. Proc. 7th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS’12), LNCS 7153, pages 34-50, Springer, 2012. [pdf]

  • A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky, Basic Constructive Connectives, Determinism and Matrix-based Semantics, Proceedings of Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX’11), 119–134, LNAI6793, 2011. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli, A. Avron and A. Zamansky, What is an ideal logic for reasoning with inconsistency? Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11), AAAI Press, 706-711, 2011. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Similarity-based inconsistency-tolerant logicsProc. 12th European Conf. on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA’10), Springer, LNAI6341, 11–23, 2010. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, On strong maximality of paraconsistent finite-valued logics Proc. 25th Ann. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS’10), IEEE Press, 2010. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Logics – A Tutorial. Proceedings of ISMVL, 2010. [pdf]

  • A. Avron, O. Arieli, and A. Zamansky, Maximally Paraconsistent Three-Valued Logics. Proc. 12th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’10), pages 310-318, AAAI Press, 2010. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Non-Deterministic Distance Semantics for Handling Incomplete and Inconsistent Data. Proc. 10th European Conf. on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU’09), LNAI 5590, pages 793 — 804, Springer, 2009.[pdf]

  • A. Avron, A. Ciabattoni, and A. Zamansky, Canonical Calculi: Invertibility, Axiom-Expansion and (Non)-determinism. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR2009, LNCS 5675, 26–37, Springer, 2009. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Signed Calculi, Non-deterministic Matrices and Cut-elimination. Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS09), Florida, LNCS 5407, 31 — 46, Springer, 2009.[pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Reasoning with Uncertainty by Nmatrix-Metric Semantics. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC’08), Edinburgh, Scotland, LNAI 5110, 69–82, Springer, 2008. [pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Some Simplified Forms of Reasoning with Distance-Based Entailments. Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI’08), Windsor, Ontario, LNAI 5032, 36–47, Springer, 2008. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, A Triple Correspondence in Canonical Calculi: Strong Cut-Elimination, Coherence, and Non-deterministic Semantics.Proceedings of The Third International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, LNCS 5010, 52–64, Springer, 2008.[pdf]

  • O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Distance-based Non-deterministic Semantics.Proceedings of the first AGI conference, P.Wang, B.Goertzel and S.Franklin, editors Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 171, 39–50, IOS Press, 2008.[pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Matrices for First-order Logics of Formal Inconsistency. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL07), Oslo, Norway, 2007. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Generalized non-deterministic matrices and (n,k)-ary quantifiers. Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS07), Artemov S. and Nerode A. eds, LNCS 4514, 26–40, Springer, 2007. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Canonical Gentzen-type calculi with (n,k)-ary quantifiers. Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, U. Furbach and N. Shankar eds., LNAI 4130, vol. 82(1), 251–265, 2006, Seattle, WA. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Non-deterministic semantics for first-order paraconsistent logics. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Representation, 431–440, 2006, Lake District, UK. [pdf]

  • A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Quantification in Non-deterministic Multi-valued Structures. Proceedings of the 35-th International Symposium on Multi-valued Logic, 296–301, 2005, Calgary, Canada. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky, N. Francez and Y. Winter, A Natural Logic inference system using normalization. Proceedings of the 4-th workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics, Nancy, France, 2003. [pdf]

  • A. Zamansky, N. Francez and Y. Winter, An order-based inference system using the Lambek calculus. Proceedings of the 7-th conference on Formal Grammar, Trento, Italy, 2002. [ps]



  • M.Sc Thesis, A `Natural Logic’ inference system based on the Lambek calculus. Technion, Haifa, 2004 [pdf]

  • Ph.D Thesis, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Logics and their Applications. Tel-Aviv University, 2009 [pdf]


Invited Talks:

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