Full publication list on Tech4Animals
Selected Publications
I. Hadar, A. Zamansky, D. M. Berry, The inconsistency between theory and practice in managing inconsistency in requirements engineering. Empirical Software Engineering 24(6): 3972-4005 (2019)
​I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky, A Behavior-Based Framework for Assessing Product Line-Ability, CAiSE 2018.
A. Zamansky, M. Spichkova, R. Rodriguez-Navas, P. Herrmann, J-O. Blech, Towards a Classification of Lightweight Formal Methods, ENASE 2018.
A. Zamansky, I. Reinhartz-Berger: Visualizing Code Variabilities for Supporting Reuse Decisions. SCME 2017
Y. Evron, P. Soffer and A. Zamansky, A Little Bird Told Me: Be Aware of Process Data Inaccuracy. QP-DA 2017.
D. van der Linden, A. Zamansky and I. Hadar, A framework for improving the verifiability of visual notation design grounded in the Physics of Notations, RE 2017
A. Zamansky, D. van der Linden and S. Baskin, Pushing Boundaries of RE: Requirement Elicitation for Non-Human Users. RE 2017 (RENext! track)
Y. Evron, P. Soffer and A. Zamansky, Incorporating Data Inaccuracy Considerations in Process Models, EMMSAD’17
D. van der Linden, I. Hadar and A. Zamansky, On the Requirement from Practice for Meaningful Variability in Visual Notation, EMMSAD’17
A. Zamansky, S. Khourry, A. Schwartz and E. Farchi, An Algorithm for Composition-oriented Combinatorial Test Design, ICWT17.
A. Zamansky, Teaching Logic to Information Systems Students, IfColog journal of Logics and their Applications.
I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky, Y. Wand, An Ontological Approach for Identifying Variants: The Cases of Specialization and Template Instantiation, ER’16.
D. van der Linden, A. Zamansky, I. Hadar, Towards a Marketplace of Visual Notations, RE’16.
A. Avron, A. Zamansky, A Paraconsistent View on B and S5, AIML’16.
D. van der Linden, A. Zamansky and I. Hadar, How Cognitively Effective is a Visual Notation?, EMMSAD’16
Y. Zohar, A. Zamansky, Gen2sat: an Automated Tool for Deciding Derivability in Analytic Pure Sequent Calculi, IJCAR’16
A. Zamansky, Y. Zohar, `Mathematical’ does not mean `Boring’: integrating software assignments to enhance learning of logico-mathematical concepts, Cognise’16
M. Spichkova, A. Zamansky, A visual logical language for system modelling in combinatorial test design, forthcoming in Proc. Cognise’16
M. Spichkova and A. Zamansky A Human-Centred Framework for Combinatorial Test Design, Proc. ENASE’16. BEST PAPER AWARD
A. Zamansky, G. Rodriguez-Navas, M. Adams and M. Spichkova, Formal Methods in Collaborative Projects, Proc. ENASE’16
M. Spichkova and A. Zamansky, Teaching Formal Methods for Software Engineering, Proc. ENASE’16
A. Zamansky, I. Hadar and D. Berry, Reasoning about Inconsistency in RE, Proc. ENASE’16
M. Spichkova and A. Zamansky, A Human-Centred Framework for Supporting Model-Based Testing, Proc. CAiSE Forum, 2016.
T. Vetterlein and A. Zamansky, Reasoning with graded information: the case of diagnostic rating scales in healthcare, Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A Graded Approach to Database Repair by Context-Aware Distance Semantics Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A Dissimilarity-Based Framework for Generating Inconsistency-Tolerant Logics, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 73(1-2): 47-73 (2015)
I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky and Y. Wand. Taming Software Variability: Ontological Foundations of Variability Mechanisms . Proc. of ER’15
A. Borgida, I. Jureta and A. Zamansky. Towards a General Formal Framework of Coherence Management in RE. Proc. of RE’15
I. Hadar and A. Zamansky.Cognitive Factors in Inconsistency Management. Proc. of RE’15
A. Zamansky and E. Farchi. Teaching Logic to Information Systems Students: Challenges and Opportunities. Proc. of TTL’15.
I. Hadar and A. Zamansky.When a Paradigm is Inconsistent with Intuition: The Case of Inconsistency Management. Proc. of COGNISE’15.
I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Zamansky and M. Kemelman. Analyzing Variability of Cloned Artifacts: Formal Framework and its Application to Requirements. Proc. of Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’15).
Earlier publications
Journal papers:
A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav. L. Spendier and A. Zamansky, Taming Paraconsistent (and other) Logics: an Algorithmic Approach, forthcoming in Transactions on Computational Logic, 2014. [pdf]
A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Efficient Reasoning with Inconsistent Information using C-Systems, forthcoming in Information Sciences, 2014. [pdf]
M. Baaz, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky, Finite-valued Semantics for Canonical Labelled Calculi, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2013. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A Dissimilarity-Based Framework for Generating Inconsistency-Tolerant Logics, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2013. [pdf]
A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Cut-free Sequent Calculi for C-systems with Generalized Finite-valued Semantics, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2013. [pdf]
A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, Systematic Construction of Analytic Calculi for Logics of Formal Inconsistency, Logic without Frontiers, Festschrift for W. A. Carnielli, J.-Y. Beziau and M. E. Coniglio eds, Tribute series, College Publications, 2012. [pdf]
A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Ideal Paraconsistent Logics, Studia Logica 99(1–3), pages 31-60, 2011. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Canonical Signed Calculi with Multi-ary Quantifiers, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2011. [pdf]
A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Maximal and Premaximal Paraconsistency in the Framework of Three-Valued Semantics , Studia Logica 97(1), pages 31-60, 2011. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, A framework for reasoning under uncertainty based on non-deterministic distance semantics, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 52:184–211, IJA7325, 2011. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Simplified forms of computerized reasoning with distance semantics, Journal of Applied Logic, volume 9, issue 1, pages 1–22, 2011. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Distance-based non-deterministic semantics for reasoning with uncertainty, The Logic Journal of the IGPL 17(4), pages 325-350, 2009. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Canonical systems with (n,k)-ary quantifiers.Journal of Logical Methods in Computer Science, 10.2168/LMCS-4(3:2), 2008.[pdf]
A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Effective non-deterministic semantics for first-order LFIs. Journal of Multiple-valued Logic and Soft Computing, 13:4-6, 335 – 352, 2007. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Many-valued non-deterministic semantics for first-order logics of formal inconsistency. Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics, (S. Aguzzoli, A. Ciabattoni, B. Gerla, C. Manara, and V. Marra, eds.), 1–24, LNAI 4460, Springer, 2007. [pdf]
A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Cut Elimination and Quantification in Canonical Systems. Special Issue of Studia Logica on Cut Elimination, vol. 82, 157-176, 2006. [pdf]
A. Zamansky, N. Francez, Y. Winter, A `Natural Logic’ inference system based on the Lambek calculus. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, vol. 15, 273 – 295, 2006. [pdf]
Conference papers:
C. Mancini and A. Zamansky. Charting Unconquered Territories: Intelligent Systems for Animal Welfare – an Introduction. Proceedings of AISB’14. [pdf]
T. Vetterlein and A. Zamansky. A Logic-Based Framework for Medical Assessment Questionnaires. Proceedings of Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC’14). [pdf]
A. Zamansky, O. Arieli, K. Stefanidis. Context-Aware Distance Semantics for Inconsistent Database Systems. Forthcoming in Proc. IPMU’14. [pdf]
A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav, L. Spendier and A. Zamansky. Automated Support for the Investigation of Paraconsistent and Other Logics. Forthcoming in Proc. LFCS’13. [pdf]
A. Zamansky.Preferential Framework for Trivialization-Resistant Reasoning with Inconsistent Information. Proceedings of JELIA’12. [pdf]
A. Avron, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky. Modular Construction of Cut-free Sequent Calculi for Paraconsistent Logics. Proceedings of LICS’12.[pdf]
M. Baaz, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky. Effective Finite-valued Semantics for Labelled Calculi.Proceedings of IJCAR’12. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky. Inconsistency-tolerance in knowledge-based systems by dissimilarities. Proc. 7th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS’12), LNCS 7153, pages 34-50, Springer, 2012. [pdf]
A. Ciabattoni, O. Lahav and A. Zamansky, Basic Constructive Connectives, Determinism and Matrix-based Semantics, Proceedings of Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX’11), 119–134, LNAI6793, 2011. [pdf]
O. Arieli, A. Avron and A. Zamansky, What is an ideal logic for reasoning with inconsistency? Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11), AAAI Press, 706-711, 2011. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Similarity-based inconsistency-tolerant logicsProc. 12th European Conf. on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA’10), Springer, LNAI6341, 11–23, 2010. [pdf]
A. Avron, O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, On strong maximality of paraconsistent finite-valued logics Proc. 25th Ann. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (LICS’10), IEEE Press, 2010. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Logics – A Tutorial. Proceedings of ISMVL, 2010. [pdf]
A. Avron, O. Arieli, and A. Zamansky, Maximally Paraconsistent Three-Valued Logics. Proc. 12th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’10), pages 310-318, AAAI Press, 2010. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Non-Deterministic Distance Semantics for Handling Incomplete and Inconsistent Data. Proc. 10th European Conf. on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU’09), LNAI 5590, pages 793 — 804, Springer, 2009.[pdf]
A. Avron, A. Ciabattoni, and A. Zamansky, Canonical Calculi: Invertibility, Axiom-Expansion and (Non)-determinism. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR2009, LNCS 5675, 26–37, Springer, 2009. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Signed Calculi, Non-deterministic Matrices and Cut-elimination. Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS09), Florida, LNCS 5407, 31 — 46, Springer, 2009.[pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Reasoning with Uncertainty by Nmatrix-Metric Semantics. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC’08), Edinburgh, Scotland, LNAI 5110, 69–82, Springer, 2008. [pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Some Simplified Forms of Reasoning with Distance-Based Entailments. Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI’08), Windsor, Ontario, LNAI 5032, 36–47, Springer, 2008. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, A Triple Correspondence in Canonical Calculi: Strong Cut-Elimination, Coherence, and Non-deterministic Semantics.Proceedings of The Third International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, LNCS 5010, 52–64, Springer, 2008.[pdf]
O. Arieli and A. Zamansky, Distance-based Non-deterministic Semantics.Proceedings of the first AGI conference, P.Wang, B.Goertzel and S.Franklin, editors Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 171, 39–50, IOS Press, 2008.[pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Matrices for First-order Logics of Formal Inconsistency. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL07), Oslo, Norway, 2007. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Generalized non-deterministic matrices and (n,k)-ary quantifiers. Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS07), Artemov S. and Nerode A. eds, LNCS 4514, 26–40, Springer, 2007. [pdf]
A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Canonical Gentzen-type calculi with (n,k)-ary quantifiers. Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, U. Furbach and N. Shankar eds., LNAI 4130, vol. 82(1), 251–265, 2006, Seattle, WA. [pdf]
A. Zamansky and A. Avron, Non-deterministic semantics for first-order paraconsistent logics. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Representation, 431–440, 2006, Lake District, UK. [pdf]
A. Avron and A. Zamansky, Quantification in Non-deterministic Multi-valued Structures. Proceedings of the 35-th International Symposium on Multi-valued Logic, 296–301, 2005, Calgary, Canada. [pdf]
A. Zamansky, N. Francez and Y. Winter, A Natural Logic inference system using normalization. Proceedings of the 4-th workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics, Nancy, France, 2003. [pdf]
A. Zamansky, N. Francez and Y. Winter, An order-based inference system using the Lambek calculus. Proceedings of the 7-th conference on Formal Grammar, Trento, Italy, 2002. [ps]
M.Sc Thesis, A `Natural Logic’ inference system based on the Lambek calculus. Technion, Haifa, 2004 [pdf]
Ph.D Thesis, Non-deterministic Multi-valued Logics and their Applications. Tel-Aviv University, 2009 [pdf]
Invited Talks:
Inconsistency management based on relevance degrees , Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Logic, Linz, 2014, [pdf].
Applications of Non-deterministic Semantics in Proof Theory , Logic and Algebra Workshop, Vienna, 2012, [pdf].
Applications of Non-deterministic Semantics as a Proof-Theoretical Tool, Muenchenwiler Proof Theory Summer Workshop, Muenchenwiler, Switzerland, 2012, [pdf].
Modular Construction of Cut-free Sequent Calculi for Paraconsistent Logics, Logical Models of Reasoning and Computation, Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia, February 2012, [pdf].
Applications of Nmatrices in Proof Theory, Non-classical Logic Workshop, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 2011,[pdf].
Nmatrices for Canonical Systems, 2nd Workshop of the Joint Project “Structural and Computational Proof Theory”, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2011, [pdf].